Pain in the Neck in San Diego

Pain in the Neck | Sometimes Called a Stiff Neck

Pain in the Neck Pain in the Neck | Bad sleep posture, as most of us know can be a contributing factor as a cause of snoring. It’s the other things bad sleep posture can cause that lead me to find the article below.

Bad sleep posture can cause health problems such as shoulder pain, neck pain, poor blood circulation particularly in elderly people and, in a worst case, it can cause you to not get restful sleep or much sleep at all. Now we’re talking sleep deprivation. Serious Stuff that and leads to more than just a pain in the neck.

A bad sleep posture can also completely ruin your day before it ever gets started and you may not even know why your day is going so bad. You may have even forgotten about your pain in the neck.

Consider the following . . . Continue reading “Pain in the Neck in San Diego”

Stiff Neck Treatment

Wake up with a stiff neck lately?

When was the last time you woke up with a stiff neck?  It’s a horrible feeling – your neck is stiff, painful and your head feels heavy.  From personal experience I know that sometimes I know what I did to aggravate my neck but many times I have no idea what I did to cause my neck pain and stiffness.

Continue reading “Stiff Neck Treatment”

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