Chiropractic Treatment Best Option For Sacroiliac Joint Pain

Sacroiliac Joint Pain Is Quite High In San Diego Area

Sacroiliac Joint PainThe true prevalence of sacroiliac joint pain is unknown and despite a plethora of clinical tests, none of these tests have been validated against an established criterion standard. Patients with sacroiliac joint pain are usually neurologically intact, and the methods used to test the sacroiliac joint lack scientific validity. A number of non-interventional treatment options for sacroiliac joint pain exist, and most patients with sacroiliac joint pain are managed conservatively with a combination of oral medications, physical therapy, and manual therapy.

A number of non-interventional treatment options for sacroiliac joint pain exist, and most patients with sacroiliac joint pain are managed conservatively with a combination of oral medications, physical therapy, and manual therapy.

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