Avoid Chronic Tension Type Headache

Who Handle Chronic Tension Type Headache In San Diego?

Avoid Chronic Tension Type HeadacheChronic tension type headache is a disorder evolving from frequent episodic tension type headache, with daily or very frequent episodes of a headache, typically bilateral, pressing or tightening in quality and of mild to moderate intensity, lasting hours to days, or unremitting. In fact, chronic tension type headache is unlikely to be caused by stress alone, yet stress can contribute significantly to making headaches worse.

Chronic tension headache is the most common neurological complaint to present to the family physician. This type of a headache is a prevalent condition with substantial socioeconomic impact. Chronic tension-type headache is a common, challenging presentation in clinical practice. A chronic headache is an incapacitating condition afflicting patients at least for 15 days per month.  Continue reading “Avoid Chronic Tension Type Headache”

Migraine Headache Home Treatments

A Migraine Headache can make you miserable! Thankfully, I have only suffered through a handful of these headaches but I have patients in my San Diego Chiropractic clinic that experience them regularly. Although chiropractic treatment helps patients deal with migraine headaches, there are effective home based treatments / strategies for controlling them as well. I have always thought that if you suffer from a chronic condition that you should do your best to find natural solutions that you can implement even if they only serve to make other migraine headache treatments more effective.

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