Beating The Pain Of A Migraine Headache

The Pain Of A Migraine Headache Can Be Intense

Beating The Pain Of A Migraine HeadacheA migraine headache is a complex, recurrent headache disorder that is one of the most common complaints in medicine. A migraine headache is a painful and sometimes chronic headache that comes on quickly, often leading to severe pain around the temple area on one side of the head, which can also extend to the face, sinuses, jaw, and neck. The most common symptom of a migraine headache is a throbbing pain on one side of your head.

Treatment of an acute migraine headache is based on frequency, duration, and severity of attacks. A migraine headache is one of the most common, yet potentially debilitating disorders encountered in primary care. When a migraine headache is in progress, ending it or reducing pain and other symptoms are of primary importance. While both a headache and migraine feature pain, the intensity level of a migraine headache is much higher than that of a regular headache. Continue reading “Beating The Pain Of A Migraine Headache”

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